Ecotourism: A sustainable way of travelling to the natural areas
Ecotourism is a way of travelling to the natural areas without causing any harm to the inhabitants and the environment itself. It is also known as sustainable tourism. Besides, it also involves environment conversation and knowing the needs of the people who are inhabitants of these natural areas. Likewise, it also provides a way to learn the history of the other places.
Ecotourism is not just about the travelling of the places and taking photographs, enjoying with friends. It is more than that. It is the involvement of a person with the natural environment and it puts long-lasting impressions on a person’s life which can never be neglected.
Importance of Ecotourism for People and the environment:
When someone visits a place, he learns a lot about the place which in turn results in the helping of the inhabitants and benefits of the traveller because travelling adds something to his knowledge. The visitors come to know about the hardships and the problems of the people residing there. They help them. Ecotourism does not allow any harm to the environment.
Local natural areas who are not well recognized by the industries, they are being benefited by the ecotourism as the visitors who come there and they provide the funds and also highlight their issues at the national level. In this way, both the people and the environment got benefits from ecotourism.
Economic Stability through Ecotourism:
There is a majority of different people living in the world including the visiting places. The natural areas inhabitants are dependents on the nature which provides them with the limited resources. They are going to live in these limited resources. Ecotourism makes various ways for them as the tourists come across their problems and try to resolve them.
Large firms try to make the living of some native people depending on their profits. For this reason, the natives move to the most developed places. Many of the people and the cultures have been demolished in this way. But the interests and the investment towards natural areas causes the economy to be stabled in these areas.
Animals suffer through Ecotourism:
When tourists travel, the animals are being neglected. There are only a few companies who take care of the animals from being extinct. The animals are being forced to take part in activities that cause them discomfort.
Instead of imprisoning them, let allow them to enjoy in their natural environment. They are also exploring the beauty of nature and their engagement with other species.
Significant Principles of Ecotourism:
Ecotourism is all about the responsible travel towards the natural areas. That’s why there are certain principles to adopt the principles of ecotourism.
1. Reduce the impacts related to society, behaviour, and psychology.
2. Create awareness related to environment and culture.
3. Make sure for both visitors and the hosts to get positive involvement.
4. Both the natives and the companies get financial benefits.
5. Make sure to give lifetime good experience to the tourists that will create good involvement with the host countries which in turn will provide both social and environmental sensitivity.
6. Create facilities for less effect.
7. Make sure to provide the spiritual and social rights to the natives and work with them to provide the power.
8. Permit direct financial assistance for maintenance.
Variations in the Ecotourism’s related benefits:
1. Ecotourism sharpens one’s thinking process. It provides a broader way of viewing nature as well as exploring one’s life.
2. One should enjoy different genres of music. Different dressing styles should be adopted. The tourists should mingle with the natives to share some good time. Few tourist places have outdoors activities as well. The tourists should have participated in those activities.
3. Everybody remains excited for the thrilling experiences and ecotourism provides this opportunity. One can take part in sustainable activities in the natural areas.
4. One’s way of speaking and accent gets changed as a person comes in contact with people from different backgrounds. It increases one’s vocabulary. It gives a professional way of speaking and gives more excitement when someone goes back to hometown to share this long-lasting experience with the family and friends.
5. Most important part of ecotourism is the preserved history which has a very long way of things in it. Like the food, buildings, atmospheres, beaches, mountains etc.
6. Souvenirs are a very important part of the ecotourism. One can make pictures to be the reminders of these natural places. One should take things from the locals to make them memorable.
7. Ecotourism makes the dreams from impossible to possible. When someone goes to his/her dream place, he/she feels very good. Ecotourism provides this opportunity.
Among all the principles and varieties of ecotourism, it is much important to have a safe and sustainable environment both for the tourists and for the people. It will result in the wellbeing of the natural places and the local which will increase the economy. So, ecotourism is very important for the safe travel towards the natural areas.